Solomon Buchi – “People who say I can never take this in life end up taking it”

Solomon Buchi – “People who say I can never take this in life end up taking it”

Prominent and occasionally contentious writer and relationship expert, Solomon Buchi, recently took to Twitter to share an insightful observation. He highlighted the tendency of individuals to confidently proclaim, “It can never happen to me,” only to find themselves unexpectedly facing the very situations they once vehemently rejected.

In his tweet, Buchi acknowledges that life has a way of steering us towards unforeseen paths and subjecting us to circumstances we never anticipated. He emphasizes that he does not promote the invitation or desire for negative experiences. Instead, he encourages humility and empathy when faced with unfortunate events.

Moreover, Buchi delves into the concept of life’s gray areas, noting that not everything is black and white as we often perceive it to be. He suggests that life can be complex and may compel individuals to confront circumstances they never imagined they would encounter.

According to Buchi, as people mature, they tend to gain a deeper understanding of this reality. With age, the unexpected challenges of life become clearer, fostering a more compassionate perspective towards one’s own experiences and the lives of others.

“I’ll tell you this: anyone who’s always saying “I’ll never take this in life.” “1’ll never take this in marriage”, “it can’t be me.” People like this, in most cases, end up in such situations. My dear, you’ll take it, and it will be you. Life will squeeze out humility from you. I’m not asking anyone to wish themselves evil. However, when you see evil happen, humbly understand that it could be you, but it wasn’t you. Humbly pray that you don’t find yourself in such mess. Humbly understand that you’re not better than who it happened to.

When the rigid man eventually falls into their unimaginable realities, they break. It breaks them, because it’s more than them, it’s their ego. “How could it be me?” “But I’m better than that person it happened to?” This is ego, and though difficult to tame, it’s profitable to.“

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