Soma and Angel resume unfollowing each other, just a day after their initial unfollow and subsequent refollow

Soma and Angel resume unfollowing each other, just a day after their initial unfollow and subsequent refollow

Soma and Angel have once again unfollowed each other on Instagram, mere hours after reestablishing their connection. The unpredictable nature of social media relationships can be quite turbulent.

The news of Soma and Angel unfollowing each other has left fans, particularly those who support their relationship, in a state of shock.

One possible reason for this sudden change could be the negative backlash they received after initially following each other again. Social media trolls can be exceedingly harsh, and it appears that Angel faced a barrage of hateful comments, including personal attacks and doubts about Soma’s intentions.

Adding to the complexity of the situation is their history. Soma and Angel initially sparked a romantic relationship during their time in the Big Brother house, expressing their desire to continue it beyond the show.

This development was significant, as both individuals had previously been involved with other people. Their connection in the Big Brother house led them to end their previous relationships and focus on each other.

The drama is not confined to Soma and Angel alone, as Perry and Mercy have also recently unfollowed each other, leaving fans surprised. Their blossoming relationship outside the Big Brother house had been evident, with Pere openly expressing his interest in deepening their connection.

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